These Handbooks outline our frameworks, policies, procedures and guidance for the setting and maintenance of academic standards and the quality and enhancement of student’s learning opportunities. They provide key information, procedures, regulations, templates and forms for prospective and current students, and members of staff. Please contact the Quality Assurance Office if there are any queries about the contents of these Handbooks.
General Regulation of the University
General Regulation of the University – Force Majeure (PDF)
Apprenticeships Handbook
This outlines the key procedures and guidance for the management of our apprenticeship provision, including employer engagement, quality assurance, complaints and appeals, operations and end-point assessment.
Collaborations Handbook
This outlines the key procedures and guidance for the management of our collaborative provision arrangements, including partner approval and due diligence, validation, monitoring and review of provision.
Compliance Handbook
Our reference point for all regulations and policies relating to statutory compliance. It covers equal opportunities, office for students compliance and data protection compliance.
Medical School Handbook
This Handbook provides members of staff and students, both current and prospective, with a comprehensive list of Codes of Practice, policies, standards and guidance documents pertaining to the MB ChB Degree.
Quality Handbook
An essential summary of our main quality assurance procedures. It includes procedures and guidance for the approval of new and revised taught academic provision, the annual and periodic review of programmes, external examining, student feedback and representation, and published information.
Regulations Handbook
Our reference point for all academic and non-academic regulations and policies. It includes regulations for taught first and higher degrees, academic misconduct, mitigating circumstances, complaints and appeals, and examinations. It also includes policies for admission and registration, the library and IT resources, student welfare, equality and diversity, and the environment.
Research Degrees Handbook
For use by postgraduate research students and staff involved in the delivery of research provision. It covers regulations for the award of research degrees, and arrangements for postgraduate research students and their supervisors relating to admissions, supervision, progress monitoring, annual review, student feedback, external examining, vivas, and appeals.